Assignemnt #77 and Short Adventure 2: With a Loop


      ///Name: Brian Phillips
      ///Project Name: Short Adventure 2: With a Loop
      ///File Name:
      import java.util.Scanner;
      public class AdventureOwn
      	public static void main(String[] args)
      		Scanner keyboard = new Scanner(;
      		int nextroom = 1;
      		String choice = "";
      		while (nextroom != 0)
      			if (nextroom == 1)
      				System.out.println("You are running down a dark alley you see a \"door\" and a \"cemetery\" which do you choose.");
      				System.out.print("> ");
      				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
      				if (choice.equals("door"))
      					nextroom = 2;
      				else if (choice.equals("cemetery"))
      					nextroom = 3;
      					System.out.println("Sorry that is not one of the options");
      			if (nextroom == 2)
      				System.out.println("You walk through the door and you see lots of valuables");
                    System.out.println("Do you \"rob\" the house or do you go \"back\" .");
      				System.out.print("> ");
      				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
      				if (choice.equals("rob"))
      					nextroom = 4;
                      else if (choice.equals("back"))
      					nextroom = 1;
      					System.out.println("Sorry that is not one of the options");
                  if (nextroom == 3)
      				System.out.println("You spot some graves and one of them is the grave of smitty werbenjagermanjensen");
                      System.out.println("Do you \"dig\" up the grave or go \"back\" .");
      				System.out.print("> ");
      				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
      				if (choice.equals("back"))
      					nextroom = 1;
                      else if (choice.equals("dig"))
      					System.out.println("Sorry that is not one of the options");
                  if (nextroom == 4)
      				System.out.println("You find a computer with reddit open but there are police sirens comming.");
                      System.out.println("Do you browse \"reddit\" or go \"back\".");
      				System.out.print("> ");
      				choice = keyboard.nextLine();
      				if (choice.equals("reddit"))
                          System.out.println("The cops show you a spicy meme and then leave.");
      					nextroom = 0;
                      else if (choice.equals("back"))
      					System.out.println("Sorry that is not an option.");
                  if (nextroom==5)
                      System.out.println("In the grave you spot a skeleton with a hat on its head.");
                      System.out.println("Do you \"take\" the hat or go \"back\" .");
                      choice = keyboard.nextLine();
                      if (choice.equals("take"))
                          System.out.println("Spongebob comes out and says it was his hat Mr Krabs, He was number 1!");
                          nextroom = 0;
                      else if (choice.equals("back"))

Picture of the output
